Maps of Schools

These two Google Maps attempt to locate the former schools established, grant aided or managed by the Trust. Many of the address in property documents do not correspond with today’s maps or street names. Place markers are only approximate locations and unfortunately the Street View feature is no longer available. If you access Google Maps separately you can see the buildings for several schools including Galway Grammar School, Drogheda Grammar School, Ennis Grammar School, Ardee English School, Ballymacbrennan English School, Collon English School, and Kinnigo/Loughgall English School.

Many locations however have not been identified and any local information to the whereabouts of any school is greatly appreciated. Buildings may have been demolished over the years but more accurate locations are welcome. Any further help or information on these buildings is most welcome.

Erasmus Smith Trust English Schools and Grammar Schools Republic of Ireland

 Erasmus Smith Trust English Schools and Grammar Schools Northern Ireland

Schools List
The table below is a brief synopsis of the range of records available in the Archive. There is further information about particular schools held in the minute books, letter books, ledgers and other bound volumes. The list includes all schools established, funded or grant-aided by the Trust. This also includes some schools that did not actually open. The list also has it’s own page: English Schools Summary.

Download the full excel document here.

Explanation of columns.

School Names name is based on town, towns land, local village, estate, or demesne.
Other Place or School Names alternative names used in some documentation.
County Irish county, all included except Leitrim.
Date of Sanction date taken from the Board of Governors Meeting Minutes, this may not correspond to when the school actually opened for students.
Discontinued date taken from the Board of Governors Meeting Minutes, this indicates when funding was withdrawn from the school which may have remained open afterwards and become under control of the National School system for example.
Property Documents conveyances, fee farm grants and deeds related to land for building schools.
Correspondence letters from teachers in schools mainly, also includes some inspector’s reports.
Architectural Plans mainly ink and/or graphite but some have a colour wash.
Patron local land owner or church minister.
Grant Irish £ – old currency pre-decimalisation.
Notes additional information.

This table is large so the best way to search is by using the find text function on your keyboard – control F – and search for school name or county.

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